Robert Oneill

Scorchio Scorchio!!!


People often ask  what is the best way to deal with welding in a workshop in a heatwave.  Simple avoid it.

Today all the ally 49er trolleys left the works on route to China, (not the easiest item to secure on a van)  I hope they don’t start to breed out there.

Next  week  Flying Fifteens will be finished and sent off to the Lake District, I am confident  that breeding is out of the question up there.

Fathers Day, how brilliant is that!


I am not sure who invented Fathers Day, I have a feeling that it might have been Mr Clinton of Clinton cards, probably not Bill Clinton although in truth he should have just stuck to sending cards.

Both my sons did me proud my eldest came up to work on Saturday and helped with the latest metamorphosis as the business changes. We started as a small caterpillar  and developed into a butterfly during the 70’s we had five shop units full of everything you would need to go on the water. However as the new business rates takes effect and the total destruction of the high street gathers pace, we are turning back into a caterpillar, with very small premises.

My youngest son spent Sunday driving the rib for me and we photographed the Merlins, Fireballs, and Scorpions at Hayling Island Sailing Club. Conditions were bumpy with the short Hayling chop but in photographic terms perfect!

The most photogenic helm, and a man and who always looks brilliant in a Merlin is Mr O Turner. Hence the three photos,  Olly we salute you!!!!


How photogenic is Kiteboarding?

Its is a huge sport now, but having had an opportunity to sit on a beach and watch just normal people jumping high and turning in mid flight was  very impressive.

I have absolutely no idea if it will ever be an Olympic sport but it certainly  is very photogenic.

Our firms outing!

The firms outing this spring was to that very pleasant part of the country Aldeburgh Sufffolk, of course in life there is no such thing as a free meal, so we were delivering.

At this point I would like to thank Henry,  David, Robin, Richard, Johnny, Nick, Bill, and Jerry for there custom in buying a Flying Fifteen trolley from us.

Very cold day at the Harp.

Well another Merlin Open at the Harp and it was freezing, took some photos, after the first race called it a day with third degree frostbite.

Very good turnout though, and some of the crews made very difficult conditions look easy.

Dinghy Show over in a flash!

All that build up and work and it was all over in a flash, now all the stands and equipment are all stored away, by Friday it will feel like it never happened. One of the problems working on the stand you really see very little of the show. I did however spend 30 minutes first thing Sunday morning with my camera and have a quick look round.  The Ten Rater Model Yacht was for me the boat of the show, it was beautifully made and the engineering was amazing. I always enjoy looking at the old black and white photoes and thought the Ian Proctor tribute was  very interesting. Finally I have always liked the deep blue colour of the carpet, and thought it would look really good in my office/mood room, well it does!!!!


All good at the Dinghy Show!

Well in spite of the untimely return of the Ice Age we were pleasantly surprised how many punters turned up at Ally Pally, both our stands were busy.

The RYA did really well to keep there nerve, and go ahead, a very difficult decision, well done them!

Another day another drama!!!!

With a week to the Dinghy Show the absolute last thing we need is a fire at the galvanizers, luckily nothing got damaged, but it has held up the job for 7 days.

Now we are gridlocked with all the  new work in the system, and annoyingly most of this work is for export.  The only good news is we are all still living the dream.

Musto skiff ally trolleys available during November.

Our new  super light ally trolley for the Musto skiff  is about to be put into production, they will be available directly from us or Ovington Boats.

The channel and foam system which has been very successful over the years  on our 29er and 49er trolleys  has been adapted.  Thanks to Chris Rashley who was kind enough to lend us his boat for the development and design period.


90 year old Int 14.

Its not every day of the week a 90 year old dinghy is brought in for a trailer.

This one was recently purchased in the dinghy auction which made big news on

the Y and Y site, the new owner is delighted with what is an amazing piece of

history, although he is a bit daunted by the amount of work it requires.

My brief is to make a comfortable and supporting trailer for a very old lady!